“吃什么我做主”线下沙龙返场啦!Own What You Eat events are back!
“吃什么我做主”系列活动 5: 食品与葡萄酒的可持续性 | 4月29号, 星期四, 18:30-21:30
OWYE第一场中文沙龙活动将在4月29日下午6:30在上海镛舍酒店和大家见面,四位行业领袖现场Talk Show和大家分享关于食品和葡萄酒可持续性发展的精彩见解,现场供应多款Zrou株肉植物基小食和有机葡萄酒。
Own What You Eat events are back! Join us at The Middle House on April 29 at 6.30 pm for our first Chinese language session.
Four expert speakers will share their views on the topic of sustainable food and wine in China. In addition to a stimulating discussion, there will be plant-based nibbles courtesy of Zrou paired with biodynamic wine.
Plus, a ¥10,000 voucher to Naked Retreats is up for grabs!
点击图片查看过去4场 “吃什么我做主” 活动的精彩内容:
Click the picture to see our past posts for the "Own What You Eat" event:
活动 1: 2020年6月18号 - 让植物基未来成为现实
Event 1: 18th June 2020 - Making A Plant-Based Future A Reality
活动 2: 2020年7月23号 - 你从哪里得到蛋白质呢
Event 2: 23rd July 2020 - Exploring the Plant-Based Protein VS Performance Connection
活动 3: 2020年8月20号 - 丑陋但美味
Event 3: 20th August 2020 - Ugly, But Delicious!
活动 4: 2020年9月17号 - 减肥的困境:短期受益,长期受累
Event 4: 17th September 2020 - The Diet Dilemma: Short-Term Pain, Long-Term Gain?
Sustainable Food & Wine In China
活动安排 Event Itinerary
18:30-19:00 登记和交流;提供小食和饮料 Registration & networking; light snacks and drinks are served
19:00-19:15 主持人何根根介绍活动安排 Event introduction by Gengen He
19:15-19:45 演讲嘉宾发言(每人15分钟) Speaker presentations (15 mins each)
19:45-20:10 小组讨论 Moderated panel discussion
20:10-20:30 观众自由提问环节 Open Q&A session with the audience
20:30-21:30 品尝小食和饮料、自由交流/活动结束 Food, drinks & networking/event ends
早鸟价 ¥150 / 现场购票 ¥198
Early Brid ¥150 / Door Charge ¥198
Scan the QR code to sign up
日期 Date / 地点 Location
星期四, 4月29号 2021 | 18:30-21:30
Thursday, 29th April, 2021 | 18:30-21:30
The Middle House
14F Penthouse Meeting Room, 366 ShimenYi Road, Shanghai
Metro Line 13, West Nanjing Road, Exit 5
主持人 Moderator
何根根 博士,高级科学顾问 东北农业大学 生物科学食品科学院博导
Gengen He, Chief Scientific Advisor, School of BiologicalSciences and Food Sciences, Northeast Agricultural University
背景: 何根根博士毕业于美国田纳西大学地理系,也在全球最大的地理信息公司Esri做过多年国际销售工作,主要研究方向是基于地理信息系统(GIS)的室内建模与导航技术
Background: The professional knowledge and experiences have equipped him with a deep understanding of the industry of GIS. He excels at interior modeling and navigation technology and is devoted to the massification and standardization of interior data.
演讲嘉宾 Speakers
Frank Yao, CEO, Youkuai Group (creator of Zrou)
背景: 姚嘉诚是Zrou株肉创始人。株肉为消费者提供美味、健康、可持续的肉类替代品,为消费者带来全新的烹饪选择、饮食理念和体验。
Background: Franklin Yao is the Founder and CEO of YouKuai GroupInternational, whose premium plant-based meat brand Z-Rou offers sustainable meat alternatives focused on taste, nutrition, and sustainability.
Fongyee Walker, Master of Wine
Background: Fongyee Walker MW (Master of Wine) is the co-founder, with Edward Ragg, of Dragon Phoenix Wine Consulting, Beijing’s first and fully independent wine consulting and education service (est. 2007).
John Ji, Assitant Professor, Environmental Health Science, Duke Kunshan University
John Ji is Assistant Professor of Environmental HealthScience at Duke Kunshan University. John’s research interests are in environmental health, gene-environment interaction, neuro-epidemiology, and the UNSustainable Development Goals.
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